With the developing web world, various investments that will enable people to earn additional income have been formed and increased gradually. Some people no longer earn additional income, but rather make this business all income. In the web world’s marketing, the more time people spend on their work, the more profit they earn. This has contributed to people earning more…
Author: seo
What Is Content Marketing?
The web world, which has grown with the developing technology in recent years, has made people need a lot of content. Search engines now focus more on content than on the root of the website. What is content and what is content marketing? Content written to appeal to the right target audience is put on the market with content marketing.…
Is Clickbait Bad in SEO?
First, do you know what is clickbait? Clickbait is an application that looks bad for SEO. Clickbait is a very comprehensive application and is used not only in SEO but also in various video channels. It is referred to as deceiving people in the social network without realizing it. Web pages use this method a lot. However, this application, which…
Writing Creative Blog Titles (Brief Guide)
There are two important points for blog posts to stand out and attract attention. While one of them is good and SEO friendly article, the most important and the other is the creative blog titles. People should choose a creative blog name. A great title is a must for the great blog. When a person enters a search, they will…
What Are Black Hat SEO Techniques?
Black Hat SEO techniques can be defined as increasing a website’s ranking in a search engine result page (SERP). On the other side, it is against terms of service for searching engines, and the result may be devastating, and your website may be banned. But what is black hat SEO? If you are still wondering, here are all the things…
Tips to Become an SEO Expert (2022 Guide)
If you have a site or a webpage and are interested in SEO, you can get help from experts or become an SEO expert. What Does an SEO Expert Do? SEO means ‘Search Engine Optimization.’ So what is SEO speacialist? SEO specialist reviews, analyses, and implements changes to websites. SEO specialists try to make your site show up at the…
How to Write an SEO Friendly Article?
It is necessary for the blog posts on your website to be SEO compatible for your website to stand out. An SEO friendly article is essential for search engines to love your website. If search engines like your website, your website will rank high in search engine results. So now, let’s explain step by step how to write an SEO…
What Is SEO? (2022 Definitive Guide)
In the last years, we have started to hear the name of SEO quite often. As we evolve into a digital age, the way businesses market their products and advertise their services is also changing. So let’s see step by step what SEO meaning is? What Does SEO Mean? What is SEO? Search engine optimization or SEO is some kind…
What Is Local SEO? – The Basics Guide
Online sources are now the largest marketplace for businesses. To be noticed in the vastness of the web, your business must comply with the local SEO techniques and other proven search engine optimization techniques. Local search engine optimization is about optimizing your digital presence to rank up in organic search results from relevant local searches. So through a good local search…
What Is Organic Traffic? (And How To Increase It?)
Organic traffic refers to visits to a website that are sourced from unpaid search results instead of paid traffic. So, visitors find the website through search engines; and they are not referred to the website by any other website or through advertising. For example, if you perform a search on Google or Bing; the search engine will direct you to…