page speed optimization for seo

Page Speed Optimization for SEO

User experience and search engine optimization are the elements that influence each choice you make when building a website. You might have the best products or the best content. However, all your efforts would be in vain if your viewers can’t even load your web pages. It should come as no surprise that page speed is essential for your SEO…

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seo and social media

SEO and Social Media: What Is the Relationship Between Them?

For various reasons, the digital world now emphasizes the effects of SEO and social media today. While businesses employ social media marketing techniques to raise brand awareness and build a strong connection, SEO specialists concentrate on enhancing a website’s search engine rankings. Since they rule the online world, I t raises the question, “Do they even cooperate, and if so, is there…

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crawl budget optimization

Crawl Budget Optimization: How It Works

Google may crawl 100, 1000, or 10,000 pages of your website every day without your knowledge. So, what exactly is crawling, and how does it affect how well your website performs in search engine results The crawl factor in SEO, though you may not be familiar with the phrase, has a direct impact on how frequently your website appears in…

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how to do serp analysis

How to Do SERP Analysis: Understanding SERP Well

Today, the best approach to obtain answers to any questions we might have is through search engines. Any inquiries we could have about a recipe, symptoms, location, or contact details are answered by them. It is unsurprising that the results displayed on search engines today receive the most attention given their popularity and convenience. The search engine results page (SERP)…

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what is an anchor text in articles

What Is Anchor Text in Articles?

Anchor text is a formation that increases the duration of people entering the website to research a subject. A link related to the topic affects people the text. This text is usually gets a yellow, green, or blue color. Some site owners underline these text and state it as such. It isn’t written in the same tone, color, or background…

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what is a domain name

What Is a Domain Name? (Definitive Guide)

Domain name is purchased during the establishment of websites have the characteristic of being the web page’s web address. DNS which means Domain Name System shifts domain names int IP adresses. Before creating the site, the website builder contacts the name registrants to get a suitable name. As long as the names with the site’s physical address are known and…

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simple guide to video marketing

Simple Guide to Video Marketing

Video marketing, which has gained great importance in recent years, is among the platforms that enable people to grow their brands in a short time. This formation, growing day by day, has a great impact on Facebook live and search engines. Internet salespeople can grow their audience with video marketing and e-mail marketing, and have the chance to appeal to…

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keyword stuffing

What Is Keyword Stuffing & Why Is It Bad?

Keyword stuffing is a situation used by most people. This situation, also called black hat SEO, is preferred by website owners who want to stand out in a short time. Keyword stuffing, which helps to rank first on search results in a short time, ends the trust on the page when it is noticed by Google and causes the page…

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how to change your domain

How to Change Your Domain Name? (Complete Guide)

People may not be satisfied with the domains they have received with great enthusiasm from time to time. The domain may not have a certain search potential, or a suitable name may not be selected for the site’s course. People need a top-level name to generate organic traffic. Search engines immediately highlight domains with high search potential. The name must…

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google rankbrain

What Is Google RankBrain? (Definitive Guide)

What is rankbrain? RankBrain, one of the biggest infrastructure software prepared by Google, is a well-working artificial intelligence system. We make an average of 3 billion searches every day on Google. In this search made in different languages, sometimes unnecessary words are used, and meaningless words are used. This system, which is prepared for people to reach the results they…

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